Couch Potato

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06 April 2006

S: Dr. Cameron on a Warpath

SPOILER für Dr. House Season 2.

Wow, Dr. Allison Cameron was surely on a warpath in this weeks Episode (wich had Mel Harris and Michelle Trachtenberg in it, two actors of my alltime favourit shows thirtysomething and Buffy the Vampire Slayer respectively). First the all so nice female doctor insulted former one-night-stand Dr. Chase ("To bad it's not you giving the sample - we'd be done by now" she said, 20 seconds after they send of someone to produce a spermsample), then she explains love by employing hapiness - to conclude that Dr. House could relate to neither.
And have you seen those looks between House and Cameron in the previous episode? It makes you wonder, if House would be ready to love her now, after he had to give up on Stacy. Let's hope so ...

[Momentan in Winamp: Vibrolush - Touch And Go]